
Do you need help with to leave a relationship? to leave a relationship? to leave a relationship? to leave a relationship?

Have a strategy when you leave a violent partner / family member

Have a strategy when you leave a violent partner / family member

If you live in a dangerous or destructive relationship, make sure you have a plan ready so that you always have somewhere to go in an emergency. 

If you want to leave a violent partner or relative, we recommend that you make a plan. Get in touch with someone who can help you get to a safe place; the social services, the police, the women's shelter or someone you trust, such as a neighbor or friend. Also plan for children's safety. 

Be well prepared and make sure you bring important things with you when you leave your partner. If you can, have a bag packed and ready, perhaps with a friend or neighbor.

Important to bring when you leave home:

  • Passport and / or identification

  • Bank cards, bank boxes, code cards and the like

  • Mobile phone and charger, computer / tablet

  • Money, jewelry, keys and other valuables

  • Securities and important documents, such as residence permits, contracts, insurance certificates, etc.

  • Important addresses and telephone numbers, for example to the children's preschool or school

  • Any medications

  • Any contact lenses, glasses, braces

  • For you valuable photos, maybe of yourself and the kids

  • Things with emotional value for you and the kids

  • Change of clothes for you and the children

Some good advice

  • For diary, but keep it hidden (take it with you when you go)

  • Save messages, pictures and the like that can be evidence

  • Tell someone about your situation (a friend, a neighbor, a colleague, your doctor…)

  • In case of injuries, see a doctor and get it documented (alternatively document yourself or ask someone to help you take pictures)

  • Do not think it will never happen again

  • Call a women's shelter or other support unit, such as a counselor or social worker, and ask for help, support and advice

  • Make a police report

    In an emergency of violence, leave home if you can and take your children with you. If you can not leave home, lock yourself somewhere safe and call the police (112) or a friend / neighbor and ask for help!

    For further practical and financial help, both emergency and non-emergency, (such as the need for sheltered housing), call your social services in the district or municipality to which you belong. If you need emergency help, you can call the municipality's social emergency service, ie the social services' emergency service that works evenings, nights and weekends. You can also contact us at the women's shelter for advice and support. If we are not available (evenings and weekends), you can always call Kvinnofridslinjen 020-50 50 50, they are open 24 hours a day.


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