Donate a gift

A gift to Malmö Kvinnojour contributes to more women and children being able to live a life free from violence. Thanks to contributions from individuals, companies, foundations and other organizations, we can offer free support and counseling to women and children who are or have been exposed to violence in a close relationship.

Your support helps us keep our helpline and chat open, enables women to have conversations with experienced and trained counselors, and puts a golden edge on the everyday lives of those we help. Your gift also allows us to work to prevent and spread knowledge about violence in close relationships. When you support us, you are part of the journey towards a society free from violence - and for that we are incredibly grateful.

Swisha or donate a gift via bank transfer

Swish: 123 690 20 92

Bangkiro: 5504-7534


Vill ditt företag eller organisation skänka en gåva till oss? Vi tar tacksamt emot gåvor från företag och ger givetvis er ett kvitto på gåvan.

För gåvor på 5 000 kronor eller mer tackar vi ditt företag här på vår hemsida, och skänker ni 10 000 kronor eller mer skickar vi även ett utskriftsanpassat diplom till er verksamhet.

Kontakta oss så hjälper vi dig med din gåva:

> Tack till

Gift card

A gift for someone who really needs it is among the finest you can give. If you want to give us a gift as a birthday present, Christmas present or perhaps as a wedding gift, we are happy to send you a nice gift card.

Transfer your gift via Swish or bank transfer and email us at:

Write Gift card in the subject line and include:

  • Namn på den swishen kom i från
  • Amount of the gift
  • Postal address to which the card is to be sent
  • Mottagarens namn, om du vill att vi fyller i det åt dig
Gåvkort från Malmö Kvinnojour. Visar namn och summa för gåvan.



Violence against pets is a common aspect of violence in a close relationship. Not wanting to leave your pet is one of many factors that can make it difficult to leave a perpetrator.


At Malmö Kvinnojour, you who are or have been exposed to violence in a close relationship have the opportunity for free calls. We offer support, advice and crisis management.


Malmö Kvinnojour offers sheltered housing for women and accompanying children who experience violence and threats of violence in their own homes.


Do you need someone to listen to? With us you can talk about whatever you want. Nothing is too small or too big and you can be completely anonymous.


The children's activity Malmö Kvinnojour works actively to help the children who accompany their mother into the shelter's accommodation.


To support Malmö Women's Shelter's activities, you can become a support member for SEK 150 for one year. We like our support members a lot.

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