Support calls

På Malmö Kvinnojour kan du som är eller har varit utsatt för våld i nära relation få kostnadsfria stödsamtal för att bearbeta det våld du varit utsatt för. Samtalen hålls av våra kuratorer som har lång erfarenhet av att möta kvinnor som har varit utsatta för våld i nära relation.

I samtalen kan du får stöd, rådgivning och hjälp med krisbearbetning. Vi erbjuder stödsamtal på engelska, svenska, danska och arabiska. Samtalen hålls på vårt kansli eller över telefon, du bestämmer vad som passar dig bäst. Vi för inga journaler över dina samtal och du behöver bara uppge ett förnamn när du kontaktar oss.

Kontakta vår stödlinje om du är intresserad av att få stödsamtal hos oss, telefon 040-30 11 13 .

Conversation groups

Would you rather process your experiences and get support in groups? Then maybe our discussion groups are for you. In the groups, 6 to 7 participants meet who are jointly supported by our curators who lead the groups.

Read more about our discussion groups



Violence against pets is a common aspect of violence in a close relationship. Not wanting to leave your pet is one of many factors that can make it difficult to leave a perpetrator.


We have a helpline where you can get support and advice. This is also where you turn if you want to book an appointment with our curators.


Malmö Kvinnojour offers sheltered housing for women and accompanying children who experience violence and threats of violence in their own homes.


For those of you who do not want or can not call, there is the opportunity to chat with us. In the chat you can be completely anonymous and there is nothing that is too small or too big. In the chat you can also ask questions.


The children's activity Malmö Kvinnojour works actively to help the children who accompany their mother into the shelter's accommodation.


To support Malmö Women's Shelter's activities, you can become a support member for SEK 150 for one year. We like our support members a lot.

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