Privacy policy for members

Malmö Kvinnojour conducts activities that are largely based on the involvement of active members. In order to conduct this type of business, we must handle and process personal data. It is important to us at Malmö Kvinnojour that you as a member are confident in how the information you provide to us is handled and protected. The following privacy policy describes how Malmö Kvinnojour processes personal data about our members.

Who is responsible for personal data?

Föreningen Malmö Kvinnojour, corporate identity number 846003-4013, Box 4283, 203 14 Malmö, is responsible for the processing of the personal data that you as a member provide to us. If you want information, have questions about or are dissatisfied with Malmö Kvinnojour's processing of your personal data, you are always welcome to contact us via e-mail to

Purpose, legal basis and storage time

Member register

In Malmö Kvinnojour's member register, personal information is entered in the form of members' names, social security numbers, telephone numbers, addresses and e-mail addresses. The personal data is mainly used for the following purposes:

  • Names, telephone numbers and e-mail addresses are used to keep in touch with those who are active in the emergency services.
  • Names and social security numbers of those who are active in the emergency services are needed to apply for grants from the City of Malmö, the National Board of Health and Welfare and other authorities. The information also needs to be able to be reported afterwards to the relevant authorities.
  • E-mail address and address are used to send information to members about Malmö Kvinnojours activities and notices to member meetings and annual meetings.

De rättsliga grunderna för ovanstående behandlingar är följande. Behandling av personuppgifter är nödvändig för att fullgöra vårt avtal med dig eller för att vidta åtgärder innan vårt avtal ingås. För det fall du inte lämnar dina uppgifter till oss kan vi inte erbjuda dig ett medlemskap. Behandlingarna är även nödvändiga för Malmö Kvinnojours berättigade intresse av att kunna kontakta medlemmar och med hjälp av dessa bedriva och planera vår verksamhet samt av att kunna ansöka om anslag för verksamheten. Medlemmar ombeds även att lämna sitt samtycke till att Malmö Kvinnojour behandlar personuppgifterna för ovanstående ändamål. Om du som medlem har lämnat ditt samtycke sker behandlingarna även med stöd av detta.  Behandlingar enligt första punkten ovan kan i vissa fall även vara nödvändiga för att skydda intressen som är av grundläggande betydelse för medlemmar, boende och/eller andra hjälpsökande.

If a member is no longer considered active, the person's information will be deleted from the member register at the annual meeting that occurs two years after the person ceases to be active, unless personal information needs to be stored anymore due to Malmö Kvinnojour having a legal obligation to complete .

Legal obligations

Malmö Kvinnojour may also process the above-mentioned personal data in order to be able to fulfill our obligations according to law, for example regarding accounting, tax and accounting for grants to relevant authorities. The legal basis for this treatment is that it is necessary to fulfill Malmö Kvinnojour's legal obligations.

Agreement on professional secrecy

Active members of Malmö Kvinnojour's on-call activities sign an agreement on professional secrecy, which contains the member's name and social security number. In order to maintain the safety of members, residents and other help-seekers, the agreements are saved for 15 years from the year in which the member ceased to be active and are subsequently deleted.

Den rättsliga grunden för behandlingen är att den är nödvändig för att fullgöra vårt avtal med dig eller för att vidta åtgärder innan vårt avtal ingås. För det fall du inte lämnar dina uppgifter till oss kan vi inte erbjuda dig ett aktivt medlemskap.  Behandling av personuppgifter är även nödvändig för Malmö Kvinnojours samt boendes och hjälpsökandes berättigade intresse av att säkerställa att medlemmar iakttar sekretess. Medlemmar ombeds även att lämna sitt samtycke till att Malmö Kvinnojour behandlar personuppgifterna för detta ändamål.  Om du som medlem har lämnat ditt samtycke sker behandlingarna även med stöd av detta.  Behandlingen kan i vissa fall även vara nödvändig för att skydda intressen som är av grundläggande betydelse för medlemmar, boende och/eller andra hjälpsökande.

Health information

Malmö Kvinnojour may save information that you provide to us about allergies and food preferences or more important information about your state of health. Information about allergies and food preferences may be used in order to adapt your diet when ordering food, planning activities and the like. Information about your health condition is used to be able to help you receive care in the event of an incident regarding your health. The legal basis for the processing is that, in connection with you providing the information, you give your consent to the information being saved for the above purposes. The information will be deleted if you request it or when your involvement in Malmö Kvinnojour ends.


If you contact us via e-mail, Malmö Kvinnojour will process the personal data you send to us, such as your name and e-mail address, in order to communicate with you and otherwise handle your case. The legal basis for this treatment is that it is necessary to meet your and Malmö Kvinnojour's legitimate interest in contact and handling of your case. E-mails that are no longer needed for Malmö Kvinnojour's operations will be deleted within a year.

Recipient of personal data

Malmö Kvinnojour does not sell your personal information to third parties.

Malmö Kvinnojour may share your personal information with personal data assistants, which are companies that help Malmö Kvinnojour with, among other things, administration and our computer systems. These assistants process the personal data on behalf of Malmö Kvinnojours and there is a personal data assistant agreement in place to ensure a legal processing of your data.

Malmö Kvinnojour may also share your personal data with authorities if such processing is necessary to apply for a grant or fulfill a legal obligation incumbent on Malmö Kvinnojour. The authority is then responsible for personal data and is responsible for the authority's processing of your personal data.

Transfer of personal data to third countries 

Malmö Kvinnojour does not transfer your personal data outside the EU / EEA.

Your rights

As a registered user, you have several rights regarding the processing of your personal data and if you want to assert these, you are welcome to contact us by e-mail to Your rights are subject to certain specific conditions under data protection legislation and can be summarized as follows.

Right of access

As a registered person, you have the right to request information about which personal data Malmö Kvinnojour processes about you and how these are processed. You also have the right to request a copy of the personal data that is processed.

Right to rectification

As a registered person, you have the right to have incorrect personal data concerning you corrected without undue delay. You may also have the right to supplement incomplete personal data.

Right to deletion and restriction

As a registered person, you have the right to have your personal data deleted without undue delay. This applies under certain conditions, including if the personal data are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected or otherwise processed, if you revoke the consent on which the processing is based and there is no other legal basis for the processing, if you objects to the balancing of interests Malmö Kvinnojour has done and there are no justifiable reasons for the processing that weigh more heavily, or if the personal data is processed in an illegal manner. As a registrant, you also have the right to request that the processing of your personal data be restricted, e.g. if you object to the accuracy of the information or the legality of the processing.

Right to data portability

As a registered person, you have the right to obtain the personal data that you have provided to Malmö Kvinnojour and which we process with the support of your consent or due to an agreement with you. You also have the right to transfer or have this personal data transferred to another personal data controller. The personal data must be provided in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format.

The right to withdraw your consent and object to treatment

If Malmö Kvinnojour's treatment is based on your consent, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. However, this does not affect the legality of Malmö Kvinnojour's treatment on the basis of the consent before this was revoked. You also have the right to object to your personal data being processed on the basis of a so-called balancing of interests (legitimate interest).

It is The Privacy Protection Inspectorate which is the authority responsible for supervision under data protection legislation. You can turn to the Privacy Protection Inspectorate if you want general information or want to submit a complaint about the processing of your personal data.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

This privacy policy was last updated on October 9, 2020 Malmö Kvinnojour may from time to time make changes to this policy and will in that case notify this via e-mail.

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